Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Even though I am a writer by day, rogue blogger by night, I also have a thing for numbers, not just words. Normally, a date like today would be a day I would start a diet. From here on out I would vow, I will munch on carrots and celery like a rabbit and be perfect. Yeah, that always worked out well (not). That plan was foiled anyway, as a pizza/brownie meeting was scheduled at work. Ugh - trying to practice moderation while eating crap food - always a fun time.

One of my often visited number sites is this one:

Here you can find out how many days til a particular date. I would calculate how many days I have til I lose XX pounds. It would never work of course, yet I always believed in the magic.

So, whatever your nine nine oh nine holds, I hope it is a good one, filled with plans, possibilities and number crunching.

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