Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's Your Sign Baby?

Mine is Pisces. I'm a water baby, a nurturer. I don't give much credence to astrology though. As a matter of fact, I am trying to give up the habit of reading my horoscope. The problem with horoscopes is that I love them when they're good, hate them when they're bad. I get so psyched when I read one that says I am going to have a big day at work, fall into money or love, etc. But then there are days when my horoscope says "watch your back, get used to being alone," etc. I just want the good vibes man! Plus, I know that these daily predictions are most likely written by some cubicle dweller making it all up. Not only that, they are so generalized that they can be interpreted to mean just about anything. So, I am going to try really hard to not read mine anymore. Wish me luck! :)

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